Why Do Companies Need Human Resources?

Daniel Poussart

October 11, 2022

Daniel Poussart

Human resources are responsible for several different functions within an organization. Some of these functions include recruitment, training, and retention of employees. Some other responsibilities of human resources include developing performance management systems. A human resources staff person can create a plan to ensure that poor performers are not on the payroll.


Human Resources play an essential role in a company. Not only do they ensure that policies are followed, but they also help companies to build a reputation as an excellent employer. Managers and HR teams often work together to create and implement initiatives that benefit the company and its employees. HR also counsels employees on career development and provides tools for career decision-making.

Managing HR requires expertise in both business and human behavior. In addition to hiring, HR also conducts and evaluates training and educational programs for the company. This includes developing training presentations and hiring third parties to deliver academic courses. The training organized by HR professionals can range from orientation programs to legal compliance training.


One reason companies need to invest in HR training is to increase the effectiveness of the company’s people. This training will help employees understand their responsibilities and comply with applicable laws. An employee who has been adequately trained will also avoid making mistakes that can hurt the company’s reputation. Employee training will also help create a sense of teamwork, which will improve productivity.

HR specialists can assess employees to determine the level of training needed. They can also identify gaps in skill sets to help individuals improve. Training can be especially beneficial for growing businesses, which may not always have the resources to hire more employees. Additionally, it can improve employee retention and reduce employee turnover.


Employee turnover is a huge problem for employers, and managing it is critical for the success of any business. In the United States, for example, companies spend $1 trillion annually replacing employees. Luckily, this turnover can be minimized with the right strategy and tools. High employee turnover impacts revenue, productivity, employee experience, and knowledge retention.

One of the best ways to retain employees is to provide the right training. Without the proper training, employees are unlikely to stay long enough to succeed. This is where HR comes into play. Training new employees are crucial, but HR also needs to encourage and motivate current employees through various development programs. Training should include multiple workshops and seminars that help employees grow and advance in their careers.

HR’s role as a change agent

Human Resources has a vital role to play in change management. While HR is typically viewed as a gatekeeper for change, it can also be an essential change agent. HR can help the company create a new culture by becoming a change agent. However, HR needs to redefine its purpose and communicate it to the organization to be effective.

HR is well-positioned to help a company implement change management as the department that manages employees. It can interact with all levels of the workforce and easily spot dissatisfaction-related issues. The HR department can also use communication skills to communicate management goals to the workforce effectively.

Importance of HR in a company’s culture

The role of Human Resources in shaping a company’s culture is crucial to the success of any business. HR ensures that the company’s values are promoted, and the workforce is continuously trained among its primary responsibilities. To achieve this goal, HR must be proactive in providing positive leadership and understanding the different work styles of different demographics and generations. It also needs to develop mentorship programs and promote team spirit within the company. Finally, HR needs to serve as a role model for the organization, embodying the company’s values. This is especially important because leaders that go against these values will negatively impact the company’s culture. A good example sets by leaders will help them gain the buy-in of the rest of the organization.


The culture of a company is more than a set of values. It is a living, breathing entity shaped by the organization’s leadership. As such, HR needs to take the time to listen to employees and share their feedback with the administration. This can be done through employee pulse surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews.