Understanding the Basics of Blindness

Daniel Poussart

December 1, 2022

Daniel Poussart

Whether you are a blind person or helping someone who is blind, you need to know how to treat this type of person properly. This article will help you to understand some of the most important aspects of blindness. In addition, you will learn about some of the more common types of blindness, including total blindness, Braille, and legal blindness.

Legal blindness

Whether you are blind or have low vision, you can get help from organizations that support people with vision disabilities. These organizations offer programs that help you lead a normal life.

Some states offer grants for blind residents. Others offer monthly pensions. Some states also provide tax exemptions for legally blind individuals. These tax exemptions can help you live comfortably while you cannot work. You can apply for these benefits at your local Social Security office.

You can get help with visual impairments from the American Foundation for the Blind. The American Foundation for the Blind offers programs that can help you lead a fulfilling life even if you are legally blind.

You can also apply for disability benefits if you have a vision impairment. The Social Security Administration will use your visual acuity to determine whether you are eligible for benefits.


Blind is a fancy term used in medical science to describe a person incapable of seeing the light. In some cases, people who are blind may still be able to see some form of movement. However, this is rare. It is more likely to occur in individuals with end-stage diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, or brain injuries.

There is no consensus about what causes total blindness. Often, the loss of vision is gradual. It could be the result of a congenital eye disease or injury. However, it is also possible to become blind due to trauma, such as a fall.

As you can see, the experience of losing sight is very different for each person. Common causes include glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, brain injuries, cataracts, and retinal detachment. While there are treatments for many of these conditions, there is no cure for total blindness. Luckily, there are many things you can do to improve your quality of life.


Despite the advent of digitalization, braille is still the bedrock of literacy for blind people. For the blind, braille is both a method of writing and a means of accessing printed information. Braille is the most important literacy tool for blind children in developing countries and adults.

The International Council on English Braille (ICEB) was formed in 1991. It is a forum for countries that have braille standards. It reviews current braille codes and makes proposals for changes.

The International Council on English Braille is responsible for the Unified Braille Code Research Project. The research involved a project to develop proposals for a new braille code that had international ramifications.

The term “unified” means the trans-Atlantic harmonization of literary and technical codes. It is also used to describe the adoption of UEB by several countries.

Treating blind people as individuals

Whether legally blind or not, blind people should be treated as individuals. Moreover, their special needs must be addressed to enable them to lead full, independent lives.

The World Blind Union, a non-profit organization, represents over 180 million blind people in 158 countries. The organization also has consultative status with the United Nations. Besides, it works closely with the International Disability Alliance.

The organization proposes a staged process for implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It would also require the participation of every member state.

The organization has also created a voluminous list of recommendations for government policymakers. The list includes many requests, from a special national flag to access information on political parties.